Monday, December 26, 2011

MPA - Balandris' Guide to being level 30

Here's a DCUO Guide from fellow MPA league mate Balandris on being level 30, the unwritten things SOE never told you about becoming level 30.

Being Level 30 in DCUO

DCUO Cheaters Log Arkham Asylum Legends 12/7/2011 8 pm PST

More videos

DCUO Cheaters Log Batcave Arena 12/7/2011 8 pm PST

For all the videos in the Cheaters' Log series read this post first to learn how to use the videos as a learning tool for catching DCUO Cheats - How to catch Cheaters in DCUO

So here we'll start off with some cheats in the Batcave Arena on 12/7/2011.

DCUO Cheaters Log How to Catch Cheating in DCUO Video Series

For all of the videos in the DCUO Cheaters' Log series to see the cheating watch the videos in regular speed to learn how cheating in DCUO looks like in real time then pause the video at the beginning and use the scrubber to watch it frame by frame. The scrubber is the progress bar under the video where you see the pointer move and give the time stamp of the video, such as 0:23 for the twenty third second of the video clip. When the video is paused or stopped the scrubber doesn't move on its own.

You can manually move the scrubber with your mouse pointer and watch the video as you advance the scrubber frame by frame. You can stop moving the scrubber to see the frame the video is currently on and the time stamp is an indication of that. So for example in my text explanation I say "watch how the kick does damage in the combat log but there is no movement from the toon at frames 0:24 through 0:27" means use the scrubber on a paused video clip starting at the twenty fourth second frame and then manually move it to about the twenty eighth second frame to see what I explained in the video clip. You can also click the Full Screen button on the far right bottom part of the video to see it full screen and get a better look. The scrubber is still at the bottom of the video clip in Full Screen mode, you just have to mouse over it to see and use it.

This way you can slow down the video and see things you couldn't catch in real time by just being cheated on because it happens too fast for the eye to catch. I try to keep my combat log open so you can catch what is going on screen and what the game is recording at that moment in the combat log, such as multiple attacks and massive amounts of damage from a character that on screen isn't even moving or starting their attack yet. This is obviously cheating and the use of speed hacks; its about time the enablers of this shut up their comments.

The most common forms of this are high damage numbers from cheaters while they take low damage themselves all the time. Its usually a numeric multiplier and dividing factor that is just a mathematical hack into a file. The other thing is all the red numbers of damage being hit on the legit toon and how effects such as stuns and knock ups are always in play for the cheater on the legit player but hardly at all or not at all from the legit player to the cheater. Another thing is the roll away run away hack that cheaters use to roll away twice and gain full out of combat speed and health/power regeneration immediately taking themselves out of attack range right before being knocked out. These are all hacks done by people who can't play the game, all pvp in this game is illegitimate until this is removed from DCUO. This is all very clear when seen it frame by frame on these videos.

Each post I'll do will go into a different session of cheats being done with an explanation of the cheats at a particular timestamp of that video clip. To see it yourself use the scrubber and watch the time stamps of the video clip being talked about frame by frame by manually moving the scrubber at a speed at which you can clearly see what is being talked about. Comments from legit players are welcome but any cheating enabler and cheater comments will be removed. This blog series is all about bringing legitimacy to PvP in DCUO, its a place for legit players to talk, watch, learn, confirm, and get together to clean up this game. All comments that want to enable the cheating by dismissing it and get in the way of the legit players cleaning up this game are trash.

These are my first videos on it, in the future I'll have better examples with my combat log always open to catch the cheating as it is logged by the game. I'll also post base test examples of legit things such as my damage out with my weapons to show you the difference between what happens in a cheat fest and when cheats are not being used. Other videos will show equipment of both parties so the "better gear" excuse for cheating is done away with. But these first series of videos shows enough about the cheating that gets the ball rolling. Especially using the scrubber on the paused video and watching it frame by frame and reading the combat log as well as watching what is happening on screen gives undeniable evidence of the cheating.

Other things to watch are how much ground a sped up character covers in a short amount of time, you can watch the match clock on the upper part of the screen in the middle. You can sometimes also catch things like them turning on switches immediately without even stopping by the switch for more than a second and how fast their respawn timer over their knocked out toons expires and how fast they respawn and are back fighting at a node, among other things.

The biggest giveaway and indication of speed hacking that is easiest to spot is the respawn timer/switch that is over the cheater's knocked out toon, it will tick down much faster than a legit player's switch and the cheater's toon will disappear and respawn with the ticker at about 25% done usually depending on the speed hacker's settings, never will it wait to tick down to 0 before the cheater's toon disappears and respawns. This is how cheaters win in places like Arkham Asylum Legends where getting the nodes quickly and often wins the match, because as you knock them out they just quickly respawn much faster than legit players and run to the nearest node and capture it much faster than the legit players do. This is how cheaters steal Marks of Conquest from legit players all the time in this game and SOE needs to stop pretending it isn't as bad as it is and quarantine these cheats.

DCUO How to Report Cheating

There are two methods for reporting cheating in DCUO, on the web form on the SOE support site and in the game chat window using the /report command. After you watch the videos and learn from the tutorials linked to on this blog series you'll be able to spot the frequent cheating that goes on in DCUO PvP easily and dismiss all the cries from cheaters and their enablers about how it isn't so. The next thing you'll want to do is start to pressure SOE to clean up their game and start respecting their paying customers' time by getting rid of this. To do that keep on putting the feed back to give us the option to filter out these Internet low lives from our playing time by giving us individual ban capabilities in the game, as I've written about being the perfect solution.

The reporting mechanism given by SOE is a way for them to shift the burden of cleaning up this game unto their paying customers rather than take that responsibility themselves. This, along with their hacker policy of only banning for a few days to a couple of weeks max after repeat offenses and only deleting characters after months of repeated violations, is so inadequate it is laughable. But at the time of this post, it is the only method given to us by SOE for addressing this and it would be better than nothing to have all the legit players in the game do the following every time pvp cheating is detected which is about 90% of all PvP matches in the DCUO game at the moment. Watching the DCUO Cheaters' Log will show you how this is the case.

How to report cheating in DCUO

In your game chat window type /report then a space, then type the names of the characters you've seen cheating, where they were located such as Batcave Legends or Star Labs Arena or Open World Metropolis Ring War or Outside Metro Midtown PD station. After that type a time stamp such as 12/16/2011 10:53 AM PST or EST for Pacific Time or Eastern Time.

To get the names you can look in your chat window under the Combat log you'll see their names listed along with the attacks they've done. You can see it also in other tabs in the Window. If you are in a match you can get a good look at the names by pressing Y and getting the Scoreboard to pop up. Many times cheaters like to disguise their names by having lots of x's or a 0 instead of an O in their names and stuff like that. Having a pencil and notepad beside your computer to write down the names, the time, and location is an important thing to do.

When you have it written down on your note pad (a real one, pencil and paper) you should do the /report method first then go to the web form and do that next. The link to the Web form is this -

You need to login first with your SOE game account. Next on the form choose the following for the form fields.

For Product select “DC Universe Online” or ““DC Universe Online PS3” 

For Category select “Community Standards”

For Server type in US PC or Europe PS3 for example depending on what kind of version of DCUO you are playing

For Character Name type in your character name that was cheated on

For Subject type “Cheating”

In the Question field copy and paste the template below and replace the place holders with the specific items dealing with your instance of cheating.

Location - (Place holder e.g. Legends Batcave)
Time Stamp - (Place holder e.g. 11/01/2011 3:45 pm PST)
Offenders - (Place holder the names of the cheating toons e.g. IxxxSuckS0BadIHaveT0Cheat000xx, xxCheatingMakesMeC00L, kkkkIHaveN0LifeS0ICheatNerdTard0000)

Offense - Here describe what you saw and how it is cheating. You can use references to this blog series and videos of cheaters using cheats and my blog post explanations of it with my catch phrase names for them to make this part quicker for you. Much of it is the same over and over. What I do is catch the cheating on video and slow it down frame by frame pointing it out at each second of the video showing you what is going on. Almost all of the cheating is the same things being done at different speed hack settings making the cheating slower or faster depending on that. Also since you've put in a /report on it before going to the Web Form reference the /report you put in in this section as well. Having all the names, the time stamp, and location written on a paper note pad first is important to keep this log handy and to note that the same information is in the /report you put in game.

Also, on any given day you'll fill out allot of these. You only have to fill out all the above for the first incident. After that, go to your Support Ticket history section of your SOE Account and update the ticket you did before on that day with new information such as other toon names, location, and new time stamp. This is how you report multiple incidents on the same day. You only have to fill out the form fields on the first report for that day, the other reports you do on that day you do an Update to the that support ticket. You do another ticket submission for the reporting you do on the next day you report.

Now how much of a burden is all that? Yes its good for all the legit players to do this on every occasion which is almost all the time in DCUO. But doing this and breaking out of the game to go to the web form is much much too burdensome on the legit players wanting ethical pvp in DCUO. We are paying customers and it is abusive to have us treat a game we pay to be on as full time job policing all the cheats SOE allows on it. The solution is simple, give us the option to filter out these Internet low lives and let them just cheat on other cheaters and leave the legit players alone to enjoy the game and PvP.

The wrong here is that SOE gives legit players no options but to be cheated on, go through a huge burden to report cheaters with little consequences for them, or avoid PvP all together and make it the cesspool of cheaters that it is. Let these low lives hang out and pick their noses with each other and leave legit players alone, that is SOE's responsiblity to its paying customers that are being abused by the low lives infesting PvP in DCUO.

Friday, December 16, 2011

DCUO Cheaters in their own Words

One of the funniest parts of fighting for legit pvp in DCUO is hearing all the rationale and false arguments from cheaters and their enablers. All their arguments come down to the cheating isn't happening, isn't happening as frequently as those of us who know it is say it is, the real issue is that very skilled pvp players are easily confused with cheaters thus the biggest tragedy possible is falsely accusing a highly skilled player of cheating, and that those of us fighting for legitimate pvp in DCUO are the real problem that need to be targeted. Now just on its face, who do you think would make these kinds of arguments cheaters or legit players?

The foundational lie in their argument is that highly skilled pvp and cheating look the same - complete 100 % Bullshit taken from cheaters' asses and stuck in your face. There is no similarity at all between skilled pvp, being in a "premade", or having the highest pvp gear in the game and cheating, mostly through speed hacking. Being skilled, being in a "premade", and having all the best gear or skill points doesn't make you faster than the game allows, doesn't allow you to attack more frequently than the game allows, doesn't make the game clock run fast, allow you fast movement mode in combat, allow you to respawn, turn switches, and move from node to node in matches faster than anyone else can. All of these are excuses invented by cheaters to give themselves cover for their cheating and noobs just allow the peer pressure created by these cheaters in the game and on the forums begin to parrot what they hear the cheaters constantly sell about how what they do isn't cheating, but those who point it out are the ones at fault. Noobs need to learn to replace the talking points they parrot with "I don't know."

This blog series is here for those who sincerely don't know and want to learn and be part of fighting for legit pvp in DCUO, for those who continue to just parrot what the cheaters tell them and don't care to have legit pvp in DCUO you are a cheat enabler and are just as bad as a cheat needing to be deleted from the game.

Anyway, this post is here to list all the bullshit dead end arguments cheaters put out and all the fronting they do about being the biggest baddest pvpers on the planet when the fact is that they suck and that's why they cheat, need hacks, and spend so much time defending hack use, explaining how it isn't so no matter what people see on screen or video, and how the only people at fault are the ones pointing out the cheating. So here they are in their own words.

Khrohn said ....
thanks for deleting my comment dick. my point was stop with the publicity. and the thing about the emp... your an idiot. speed hacks dont speed up the whole fucking game. thats happened to me plenty of times and its not because of speed hacks. its because i was too fuckin late to get to them. and thanks for the attack after i merely said just play the game and ignore the abusers like a mature player instead of QQ rage and bitch all over the internet.

 Silverfreak said...
Listen, you use dual pistols which one of the worse weapons on the game. Dual pistols are not very clippable. You should pick up a weapon like dual wield or 1h and learn to clip. Clipping is apart of the game. Developers have said this MANY times. You should stop accusing people of cheating and move forward to actually learn about the game mechanics.

 Silverfreak said...
Also, I have not lost any of my toons. My toon silverfreak was rename from thekorrupt to tangent to silverfreak. I have had 3 names changes. This does NOT affect anything. If you get a 1.5k crit, more and likely the person has a buff against you. Also someone could be running carnage for their team. Get it through your head we don't cheat. Again, I don't think you understand game mechanics.

 Silverfreak said...
There is no need to call names #1. If someone was speed hacking they would be invisible. #2 I was NOT speed hacking. #3) I was NOT macroing.

 Silverfreak said...
The people that have been macroing and speed hacking have been suspended and banned. None of my toons were EVER banned.

 Silverfreak said...
I welcome you to come duel me in the park while I'm on my ice. (Silverfreak) I want you to fraps it and make sure you put it on your little xfire site. When I beat you extremely hard there will be no question about if I am legit. You will have video showing I don't cheat. Good day sir.

 Silverfreak said...
He doesn't cheat nor do I. Stop complaining. You are just making yourself look bad.

 Silverfreak said...
Also, my nature is also a lantern now. At the time, it wasn't skill pointed.

 Silverfreak said...
I have every toon I've ever started. If you would like to see, I will happily show you in the park.

 Silverfreak said...
Also, I am trying to get you to come to park right now. Except you want to run your mouth call people cheaters. I was giving you a chance to fraps and let EVERYONE see the duel. Instead, you don't want to reply to tells. STOP RUNNING YOUR MOUTH. ACCEPT THAT YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND THE GAME FULLY.

 Silverfreak said...
You do realize how many people have seen this post. They all agree with me. I posted it on DCUO forums but it was deleted. Again I have given you plenty of opportunity to see my desktop as I play you. You just can't accept it man. Learn to play. Adonas plays his game live and broadcast. I have offered to fraps me beating you and still can't accept this. You are just making yourself look like scum by calling people names.

December 14, 2011 7:44 PM 

 Silverfreak said...
This post has been removed by the author.

December 14, 2011 7:44 PM 

 Silverfreak said...
This post has been removed by the author.

December 14, 2011 7:45 PM 

 Silverfreak said...
mysticneon was renamed to zaine. Also i respec'd to lantern then they switched me back. Check friends list.

December 14, 2011 7:50 PM 

 Silverfreak said...
I am trying to be mature about this man and enlighten you. I really would like to help you understand which is cheating. RockPaperRifle has posted a video on what clipping, speed hacking, and macros on the DC Universe forum. Look for it. It may educate you.

December 14, 2011 8:07 PM 

(Side note: RockPaperRifle is a cheater league, you'll see their members speed hacking on my Cheaters Log videos. This goes to show a big strategy the cheaters use by posting videos and tutorials on the forums to become authorities in people's minds as to what cheating is. This is the second part of cheating outside of the game, getting into people's heads with lies and misrepresentations of what cheating is to continue to give themselves cover for their cheating. People need to think hard about how much of a low life these people are individually to put this much effort into cheating at a video game with avatars that they have higher value for than real people. these people stink up any community they are associated with and that's why we need to clean this trash from this game to have a good mmorg. Look at how often Silverfreak posts here trying different angles to convince people he isn't cheating, blaming me, etc but what never comes out of him is how he cheats and why people would think so looking at him and the combat log as he cheats. A legit player wouldn't care knowing they are legit, they'd also support people cleaning up the game and going after cheaters to make pvp legit in the game knowing there can be no confusion between cheating and legit pvp.)

 Silverfreak said...
You do realize there are a lot of bugs left from the server merges and free to play that cause a lot of the issues you are seeing right ?

Just like the high block breaker crits in legends right now. I want you to pick bane and do the bb on people or straight up just block. They end up taking massive damage. It's a bug right now. (As of update 7)

December 14, 2011 8:09 PM 

 Silverfreak said...
December 14, 2011 8:21 PM

Silverfreak said...
No one cares about your blog. I was trying to help you before you scathe the whole community on dc universe. You accuse everyone of cheating. Stop it. It's not right.

(Side note: Obviously someone cares about this blog, but add that to the list of things they can't admit to.)
December 16, 2011 10:25 PM

DCUO Cheating Videos Index

Here I'll list videos showing the cheating and hacking going on in DCUO, its easy for the cheaters and cheater enablers to just deny with words as they always do but seeing it yourself on video destroys the "just believe me when I say it isn't happening" logic of cheaters and their enablers. Also note the dates on these videos and see the progression how SOE isn't really addressing the issue and thus legit players are forced to take their case to the Internet public to pressure SOE to clean this up. We don't want these low lives scrubs messing up our pvp and game, they are human trash and need to be taken out.

Here is the benchmark DCUO cheating video, this is the standard of all cheating you see in DCUO, when you see these red numbers popping with this amount of frequency there's speed hacking and cheating going on. The thing is that all cheating looks like this most of the time, its just not as fast or frequent, this is the most obvious example; just because you see the same things but slower and not as frequent means the speed hackers are using lower settings on their cheats not that the cheating isn't taking place. Standard DCUO Cheat Video

The enablers who say that we, the legit players, must accept cheating in the game and that there is nothing that can be done about can sit on a stick and spin. We aren't listening to your BS, so shut up.

Here's a video of what happened more recently to my pvp partner and I in the Batcave Arena. A main point here is to look at the dates of when the two videos so far were posted. Look at how much time there has been inbetween the posting of both videos and how SOE has allowed the hacks to continue without cease. Recent DCUO Cheat Video November 21st 2011

All arguments about how cheating is ok or how the lower level speed hacking needs to be allowed is stupid. All cheating is cheating and thus the vast majority of pvp in this game is illegitimate. Creating a safe harbor for low life criminal type people to stink up this game community is not acceptable under any circumstances. People who advocate for this are morons. People who have all their ire directed at the people such as myself fighting for fair play and legit pvp in this game are idiots who themselves deserve to be deleted from this game. The way to deal with cheater enablers is to put them on ignore. Let them sit by themselves with their nonsense rationale about cheating and get cheated on all day, the rest of us aren't obligated to join them. Before the cheaters can be dealt with the cheater enablers need to be cut off from the conversation.

I'll be posting links to my own Cheater's Log for this game here to use it as an index of such videos. Note the date and timestamp of these videos so that you can see how SOE is just letting it happen with little or no addressing of it. This is easily the worst part of the game and the highest priority of what needs to be fixed in it, the solution of which I already post previously. Its a people problem not a code problem. Legit players need to be given the option of filtering out the players who are cheats, that is the solution, heavy code rewrites and checksum routines will just burden the game. SOE needs to be pressured into doing this by people making this feed back suggestion in game and on the Gotham City PC forum thread all the time, at least once a day. We also need an ignore button on the forums too so we can erase the back water arguments from cheaters and Internet trolls who play this game.

I'll post about the cheating enablers and the back water arguements cheaters make next.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

DCUO The Solution to Cheating in Game

The solution to the cheating in DCUO is actually very simple and effective. First the realization that it is a people problem not a code problem is necessary. Some people want to play a game fairly and within its designed rules others find it fun to cheat and to make others miserable by cheating on them, there's nothing that can be done about that its just who both sets of people are and software had nothing to do with it. The solution is quarantining one group from the other.

Cheaters can cheat all day by themselves, on other cheats, or on these numb nuts that insist cheating isn't happening they just have no place wasting legit players time. So the game makers need to implement game options for players to have either Inclusive or Exclusive PvP lists. Inclusive would be pvp and queuing for PvP arenas or legends is only possible with players you have on your list and their toons. Exclusive would be that players and their toons listed on your list would not be able to pvp or que with you. You could also place leagues on the list meaning that cheater leagues would be excluded from pvping with you and so forth. The best way to use this system is to have a network of trusted players on both the villian and hero side that are committed to legit play and have an inclusive list of both of those for people to choose from to have on an Inclusive list. The cheaters can go screw themselves and cry all day about how they can't cheat on legit players anymore. They can enjoy cheating on cheats and being cheat on themselves though. Those enablers who insist the cheating isn't happening can just be the target practice they should be, great the real pvp crowd doesn't have to bother with any of this trash.

Not having the software bloat, performance hit, and man power cost of manually addressing every cheat instance is a must to have this solved. With free to play manually going after every cheat account is just as good as allowing it to happen. This also solves the issue of cheats having all the best gear and development based on the proceeds of their cheating, rather than retroactively deleting things cheats can be allowed to stay as they are just not be allowed to use any of it on legit players. The fact that cheats delight in guarantee wins with no skill against people who have barely a chance to beat them would make this system the most adverse to them and they'd most likely quit the game. The hard core cheats who want to see who the best cheat is can cheat against each other all day, as long as they aren't mixed in with the legit players let them.

Currently the game is a cess pool of cheats because most legit good pvp players aren't going to bother with a game where a bunch of no skill scrubs with hacks beat them and steal marks all day from them. So what we have is an increasingly cheat friendly game community that the legit players leave. Giving players this option to quarantine the cheats will give the legit players an incentive to come back to the game and people who value ethics to start playing it. The game community having more ethical people rather than be overrun by the Internet sociopath cheat crowd will have long lasting benefits for the enjoyment of the game by normal people rather than the take over by emotionally disturbed nerds trying to get a sense of control at others expense.

Every time people log on to the game, they should make this suggestion in the Feedback section of the Settings in the game menu. Also the Gotham City section of the PC Forums is a place to offer these suggestions.

DCUO How to Spot Cheating and Speed Hacking

There are a few dimensions of cheating in DCUO, there is the game company SOE that lets it go on, there are the cheaters with their constant head games and lies about how they aren't cheating, there are the cheating enablers who want to make DCUO safe for cheaters by denying it is what it is and making sure the legit players get harrassed for pointing it out, and then there are the legit players who are fighting to make sure the game is fair and ethical. I guess some where in there are the noobs that just don't know what cheating and speed hacking is so this post will address that, after you know and can spot it then you can choose which of those categories you want to fall into outside of the game maker.

This is going to be an on going post that I'll add to as I spot more infractions in my video clips and collect more data online. But below to start off with we'll cover the basics. The main starting point for learning about speed hacking are the posts by chaoticfear on the DCUO PC Forums. The best starting point is this one -

The other aspect of this are the head games and lies told by the cheaters and their enablers and I'll create a seperate post to handle the psychology of being a cheat and enabler of cheats.

Here's what you need to know to start spotting the cheats in DCUO.

1. The speed at which a sped up character moves and attacks, they are able to dart around the map and hit several attacks and even powers within a second or two on the screen of the legit player. They get stunned and still be able to move around and attack and shoot off powers and recover much quicker than a legit player can. Everything they do is delayed by 3 to 10 seconds on the screen of the legit player. So they can usually shoot off 1.5 attacks in the time it takes for the 1 attack to render on the screen of the legit player, this shows on the legit player's screen as their Health melting away as they melee with the sped up toon. The attacks the legit player does do normal damage for the normal duration and frequency of a melee session while the sped up toon does 1.5 to 2.0 depending on the hack settings. So an easy way to tell is meleeing with the cheater and watching your health go down to 0 while they'll be at about 50% to 30% health depending on how good the legit player is, this happens every time like a numeric formula always around 50% to 30% for the cheater and 0% for the legit player on Health though on the legit player's screen both toons are attacking each other equally over the same period of time. That's the advantage of being sped up, you get 1.5 of everything your target gets 1 of, including damage and attacks in the same amount of time.

2. The sound and cliche speeches from the toons in Legends. For example Robin has the saying "Be smarter than you look and run" the other Legends toons have their own. If you hear those speeches go off constantly then there's speed hacking going on. Those speeches are reserved for when a particular toon hits a big damage hit or knocks an opponent out or something really signifcant happens like a super charge power is shot off. In sped up matches the sped up characters are constantly hitting these high power hits and knocking people out all the time within a short time period of one another. The sound effect is that they give off their speeches constantly as a result. If you are hearing your opponent team always mouthing off these speeches it is because they are hitting these supposedly rare big power hits all the time. These kind of hits on a normal character takes time to build up a super charge for and has a long reset time once used to be able to do it again. A sped up toon is able to shoot these off pretty frequently and be able to cut down on targets quickly to again give their cliche phrase. If you are hearing these going off all the time and even over lapping each other it means that the match is glitched with speed hackers.

3. The Roll away Run away hack, now very popular since the latest update 5.1 for whatever reason. Normally when a toon is in combat they are stuck in combat speed, this is to prevent opponents from quickly getting out of line of sight or line of attack (LoS or LoA) during a fight. But no way are cheaters going to let game mechanics get in their way of cheating on other people, if you are beating up on a hacker ususally a result of a double team on them, as they approach being knocked out they simply turn their toon away from your attack and instantly roll away from it at a blinding fast speed not normal roll away speed at all. In a normal roll away move the Lunge Interupt attack from the opponent is the counter to that and will Hard Stun the Rolling away character. But in this hack lunging at the rolling toon will not Stun them and more over their roll will move them twice the distance a normal roll does. So on your screen, they roll, you lunge at them and by the end of your lunge they are another roll distance away from your lunge attack. If you keep lunging they keep rolling automatically and stay one roll away from you so that's two rolls in the time it takes to do one, a roll to get away from you and another, triggered by a macro most likely, to avoid your lunge to counter their previous roll. What happens is that by being two roll distances away from combat they are in the non-combat safe area where they start to heal their damage and can move again at non-combat speed with no pause inbetween for the transition from combat to non-combat speed. Again all the advantages of being sped up. Recently I've noticed this on toons that have the green foot print under their name, which means they have fast movement mode on, while in combat and othter red symbols under their name like Defesne debuff. This is a direct hack to undo the game mechanics of not being able to move in fast movement mode while in combat.

On the legit players screen what this looks like is you are about to knock out the little cheating scrub and then they instantly roll away twice, if you lunge at them to counter the roll they are still one roll ahead of you because of the hack, and they start to heal instantly and because they are sped up their healing is sped up too so they usually hit half health in a few seconds of being in non-combat after being nearly knocked out and full health in a few more seconds. And these are the cheaters who brag about how good they are in PvP all day running away like scared little punks from legit players beating them up with no cheats.

4. The sped up clock and Scoreboard popping in the middle of the match. When speed hacking toons are in the match, the clock up at the top of the screen and the ticks that come off of each side goes faster. You can tell this in the Batcave easy. I've had matches where the opponent has stayed in the start area and not come out at all, with both myself and my partner standing on the node having time tick away. To win this uncontested match takes 5 minutes with no speed hacking involved. This is a bench mark to use when judging the speed hacking of a match. With the combination of speed hackers burning down an opponent in just a few seconds, which is completely cheating that is not allowed in the real game mechanics, and having a sped up clock, matches with speed hackers end really really quick or allot quicker than usual with ticks burnt down quick and there still being more time left on the clock than what those burnt ticks would indicate.

Another thing is the popping Scoreboard. In a normal match there is ending music and a pause before the Scoreboard pops up, during this pause all attacking and game play ceases. It's like a few seconds of a cool down after a fighting session. In matches with speed hacking there is no pause or cool down end period with music, the Score board just pops up while you were in the middle of attacking and you press the button to leave by mistake as it is the same for doing a range attack on a controller, you just pop out of the instance before you know the match is over and find your self where ever you were before you entered the qued match. That's a sure sign of having been in a match with speed hackers. We'll just call that Scoreboard pop. The reason for this is that the match ended 10 seconds ago and that is just being caught up with on the server and the legit players' screen, again the sped up players set the pace with their modified files and everyone else is playing catch up to the cheaters.

Friday, December 9, 2011

DCUO Cheating DC Universe Online lack of ethics

This is going to be the summation overview entry for my on going posts about the cheating in DCUO DC Universe Online online role playing game. There's allot of hassling of the legitimate players in the game and on the forums from both the cheaters and their enablers but we the legitimate players need a place to talk and feel some community and here it is.

As it stands the game makers, SOE, have done nothing to address the cheating issue other than shift the burden onto the legitimate players to police the game for them and report everything whch results in cheaters coming back every two weeks if the cheats are outrageous enough to warrent a ban.

The fact is that DCUO has a culture of cheating, cheaters get all the accolades of being "really good" players there's plenty of people who think cheats are great and fun who are big players in the community, and the majority of the non-cheating players are just lemmings that repeat what they are told by the cheaters about how the cheating isn't happening and how those who point it out are sore losers. This environment is assinine to ethical legitimate people and I'm sure people like that have already left the game compounding the problem by making the DCUO cesspool more composed of cheats and lemmings.

Then there's the different breed, us - those who refuse to quit or leave the game because of low ball cheats, who are better than most people in the game at pvp and know it, and who will fight to make space in the game for ethical people while the cheats and lemmings complain about it.

The cheats are all low ball scrubs, they know this and are not willing to put in the work and time to be get better at pvp so they just have their game files adjusted to be faster than the game to be able to do things at a speed the game can't regulate, that's speed hacking. There are also other automated hacks such as automatically running away when your health level reaches a certain number, hitting block at a computer timed interval rather than relying on human reaction with a controller, and so forth these are macros or what some people call bots. Both can be used at once which is how some scrubs wipe people out, some of us hard core pvp players can fight against one or the other but both takes allot of work to overcome and is impossible with a whole group of cheaters using them as is usually the case.

The cheating enablers, or lemmings as I called them above, are really the worse part of the situation. Malicious warped people who don't know the difference between winning using skill and winning a match using hacks is part of life, there are always low ballers every where one goes, especially ones that think their low ball status makes them cool and "bad". OK fine, but the ones who create the environment for these low lives to operate are really the ones at most fault. These people spend all their time hassling the legit players for calling out the cheating, being trolls about it on the forums and in the game chat, and are simply the glue that keeps the cheating firmly attached to the game. With cheating enablers denying the cheating and making sure there is always some plausible explanation for why cheating didn't just occur the cheaters will always have the shield they need to keep on cheating as usual.

Then there's the game making company, SOE, that tells people to take on the job of reporting all the non-stop cheating while being hassled by the enablers about how what they spot as cheating isn't true. I've reported plenty and have seen the cheating get worse and more frequent than ever before. SOE is very unethical for allowing their paying customers to be constantly abused by unwanted online pests and giving no option for relief other than to report every incident of these cyber bullies excreting all over the game that happens hundreds of times in any given game session. There is no automated in game solution given to legitimate players by the game makers such as being able to ban people from pvping or queuing with you - SOE is more than happy to take your money but feels no obligation to protect its paying customers from abuse in their games. This stance makes SOE unethical and brings up an ethical dillemma about continuing to pay money to them or quiting the game. Free to play isn't what I'd like to do, I'd rather play the game at its Legendary status knowing that fair play is something the company values enough to ensure as best as possible or not play at all knowing SOE could give a flying hoot about its paying customers as long as enough lemmings pay them to be abused.

So legit players of DCUO will find this blog and post series a refreshing place to read and find community support while enablers and cheaters will have thier cowardice confronted and exposed for what it is. There will be explanations helping people new to the game in how to spot cheating and videos posted of cheaters doing their thing so it can be examined and broken down as a lesson for others to spot it.

The solution is also very simple as I have presented it on the DCUO PC Forums, we need a ban list option to put toons on that will ban all toons from that player account from pvping and queuing with us period. This indiviudalized player ban option is just an ignore list that extends to the PvP toggle and ques on a player account level. Really simple solution that solves the whole issue in one swoop with no code bloat and game performance overhead at all.