Saturday, July 16, 2011

The thing about DCUO DC Universe Online Read this First

I'll explain to you the issues with having fun on the DC Universe Online PC game. The problem is that unless you're a hardcore gamer that is very familiar with mmorpg games and spend allot of time studying how to play DCUO in particular, you won't understand how to do things correctly. If that happens you won't have any fun because the main idea of the game is doing multiple things on many different levels and combining them all to make a full character that can interact with any part of the game. A character like that is meant to team up and cooperate with other characters, who likewise have reached that level of in-game skill, that compensate for what your character doesn't do well, a good deal of the game can't be done alone. Cooperating with other players is a big part of the game. The makers of the game have pretty much kept all of this hidden and unstated, so there are only two options for you. To play allot and make allot of mistakes and learn by doing and reading guides or watching video guides. I haven't come across too much that is really comprehensive, the DCUO forums, mmorpg-life, and the YouTube videos are good places but so much information is scattered that it is hard to keep track of it all. Therefore , this site exists to help you put it all together easily and quickly.

DCUO is a neat game I think because of all the different things you can do in it, but all of this adds complication and a learning curve. That's why I created this web site. It is worth getting into, the game is a really fun and well done computer game and this site will help you get over the learning curve as quick as possible so you can start having fun. But first I want to get the bad things about the game out in the open upfront.

There are a few really bad dynamics that go on in the game as of now and since beta when I was testing it. One issue is crooked and rude players. First, the crooked ones are usually villains and they cheat, use exploits and are on the game all the time learning how to hack it. Even when they aren't hacking it, they are on so much that they have a distinct advantage over casual players, who are usually heroes, in Marks and thus character power. For most people looking at how these guys interact in the game it seems that their intent is to make the game experience as miserable as possible for heroes, maybe even get them to leave and quit the game. One example of what they do is ganking, which is wiping out characters with tricks and cheats that are unintentionally part of the game while they are doing missions or are stuck in the game menu.

Then comes the rude people who play heroes, these are the ones that sit in the start areas of PvP arenas complaining about other player heroes, how terrible they are, and never offer one shred of help or advice. Instead they have a superiority complex about how great their playing skills are and want to make everyone around them feel less than. So they use the interactive chat window to put people down and I had one guy on the Voice Chat who spent the majority of the time in a PvP Arena cussing at everyone.

Don't let this dismay you, there is an ignore command for people so you don't have to have their bad attitude clutter your chat window and you can set the Voice Chat volume for individual characters all the way down so you don't have to hear them. You can also disable Voice Chat completely in the Settings and turn it on only when you're in a group with people you know you want to talk with.

Another thing is the hero player apologists for the villains, or as I like to call them the hero plants or spies. When ever you take on villains and get your frustration out on them there's always a group of heroes who will get on your case and start chiding you as something or other because the villains are always right in their way of looking at it. I've come to the conclusion that the villain players are really organized and have their friends pose as heroes to spy out what the other side is doing as well as play head games with the heroes, either by cussing them out or pretending to be their friends and then turning on them when something comes up against a villain in the social chat window or voice chat. Yes this is how seriously some people take making the game unenjoyable for others.

This takes us into old school RGP basics. The RPG in MMORPG stands for role playing game, like the old school Dungeons and Dragons game. One tenet of RGP gaming is that players and their characters are separate and accountable for their own respective actions. One of the fun parts of role playing in a game is that you get to act out within the game things you would never do or could do in your real life. So of course there's appeal for people to have evil characters in game and do evil things as a form of expression and macabre fun. But the fact is in real life all the players are in game and deserve mutual respect and basic courtesy. A character can of course attack another nemesis character in game as is befitting of the characters, but when players go out of their way to make the game unenjoyable for other players, that player is responsible for that. So playing in such a way that thwarts other players is not being a villain in game but being a rude fellow player, being a villain character means you complete your missions and thwart the hero characters not their players by cheating and harassing the players even outside of the bounds of the game through computer glitches.

The game couldn't operate without villain players and good villain players who present a stiff challenge to heroes are a big plus to the game. But this rude, childish hatred of people and going after them to catch them when they aren't able to fight back at every turn is immaturity from the players irrespective of the characters. That also goes for their friends who go on to play head games with other hero players. Gamesmanship among opposing players is a must for any game. It is fun to play within the rules of the game, demonstrate skill, and best opponents, while keeping an environment of mutual respect and gamesmanship. I see a lack of this in gaming today and society in general and it means that those who act like this are deficient not anyone else. For people to talk arrogantly about their character abilities and think nothing of acting rudely to other players is both laughable and shameful.

So all that said - and believe me it needed to be said because that's a big part of the game, it is a great game with great graphics, fun missions, things to solve, collections to find, gear to attain to, and when you find the right mix of people PvP fighting where you can pit your power and fighting skills against opposing players. The social interactions are fun, connecting with all types of people around the world and of course the big attraction is the comic book fanfare. If you like DC comics and their genre of cartoons, comics, games, movies, and graphic novels you'll like interacting within that world of imagination.

Going back to my first point, the real information on how to do things in this game are hidden and not obvious at all, it is possible to play the game for many months and really have no idea about the fundamentals of the game; that's how multidimensional the game is. So for some people to get on people's case for not knowing these fundamentals is just them looking for an excuse for one up man ship and to be rude. So now that you understand the difficulty of playing the DC Universe Online correctly go on to my second post on how to solve this.

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